umm..i like drugs...i mean a lot if i could afford it i think i would be on drugs all the time but i have come to find out there there are plenty of "legal"(im pretty sure "Abusing" them and taking the doses need to get messed up is illegal but yeah) ways to leave this boring lie that most call reality...
which is a great thing...
try drugs...
they are good for you..perhaps(and probably) not physically but drugs controled can be a the best thing that can happen to a mind/person. people are not physical beings. we are completly of the mind, just resting in this place as we grow and become ready to accept the true state that beings can exist in. it doesnt take an entire lifetime just to learn how you will spend being, it just takes help. some people spend years sitting in a cave on a mountian, some just live ignorant to the potential to reach this higher state of being others use not talking about the junkies or pot heads or any of those people, those people are the ones that keep most drugs illegal. it is the people that use drugs not to just catch a buzz, or because your friends do it but the ones that use them to reach this other place. to relize that there is more than just a physical world. it is in these non-physical places that one learns,learns not how they feel or even who they are as a person, because these things dont matter they are just small things that humans have desided to give meaning to. you learn who and what you are as a being and this is a great feeling. just to have an inkling of what there is and could be and begining to understand why we as beings even take this step onward to the brain stopped perhaps i will have enlightened some one or at least got some one thinking and i hope to add more and bring this closer to a finish