wow...after all of this..its over..just one more FUCKING day..thirteen finished no more having to waste 8 hours everyday listening to a bunch of retards blather on and on about shit that is so pointless it hurts my brain just to hear it...there are some people that i am going to miss but most of the people i wont see again...and im fine with going to miss a few teachers as well like Mr. Prochaska the best Chem teacher anyone could ask for, Mrs. Heidersheid a wonderful history teacher and one of the few teachers at WDP worth talking to
and of course the loveable J (some know her as Mrs Johnson)
and some people hate her but i love Kim Janssen probably one of the coolest secrtaries ill ever meet she rox0rZ!!! no joke yeah other than that i have a list of student people that ill miss but umm im lazy and im sure ill forget some people and that would make them feel bad so i wont but umm if i talk to you on a regular basis and im not an asshole to you assume yourself on the list ok byebye