Saturday, November 15, 2003

FUck god damn i dont even know whats going on with me anymore i need some time to sit and think because i know what i want but i have no idea what to do or how to make every one happy

Friday, November 14, 2003

God i hate that fucker......fuck....damn people......i wish i had laser eyes so i could purge the earth of the viruses that inhabit it

a few are great and i would do anything and would give up the world just to see them happy........there need to be more people like that

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

this is an early version of part of dogma...trying to find the one they used


The Apostle is here!


I noticed.


If that's the case, the chick with him must be...


The Scion, I'd imagine.

(leans against the wall; slides down)


(in a panic)

Well, shit man! Maybe we should rethink this whole

thing! I mean, you heard the guy - he said there

were consequences. Azrael tells us we're marked.

Maybe there's more to this than we thought about.

Bartleby leans against the wall, sitting on the ground. His demeanor has changed. He stares into space.


There sure is.


It's them.





(shakes his head)




The movie about the giant ants?


Them - the humans. It's what it all comes down to,

you know? Us against humanity... kind of like that

giant ant movie.



Are you alright?


I'm better than alright. I've had an epiphany, my



An... epiphany. Yes, well... that'll happen.


When that sweet, innocent girl let her mission

slip, I suddenly understood it all - everything.

For the first time in all these eons, I get it.



Get what?


In the beginning, it was just us and Him. Angels

and God. And then He created the humans. And He

gave them more than He ever gave us. Ours was

designed to be a life of servitude and worship -

adoration. But He gave the humans more - He gave

them a choice. They can choose to ignore God,

choose to acknowledge Him. All this time we've

been down here, everyday I felt the absence of the

Divine presence. And it pained me... as I'm sure

it must have pained you sometimes, even though

you'd gloss over it with jokes. But we feel his

absence, and why? Because of the way He made us -

as servants. Had we been given free will, we could

ignore the pain... like them.


You know - maybe you should take a nap or



Loki, don't you get it? It's the humans - it's

always the humans. They were given paradise; they

threw it away. They were given this planet; they

destroyed it. They were favored best among all His

endeavors; and some of them don't even believe He

exists. Their ego-mania corroded Hell and made it

dark and crimson.

(looks at Loki)

I asked you to lay down your sword years ago -

why? Because I felt sorry for them. And where did

it get us? Thrown out.


We've paid our debt. Don't you think it's time we

went home? And to d o that, I think we have to

dispatch our would-be dispatchers.


Wait, wait, wait - kill them?! You're talking

about the Last Scion, for Christ's sake! And what

about Jay and Bob - I mean, those guys were



Don't, my friend. Don't let your sympathies get

the best of you, as they did me way back when.

Scion or not, she's just a human. And regardless,

our sins are forgiven by passing through that

arch. No harm, no foul.


That sounds thin.


Fine. We'll cover ourselves. We'll take out a slew

of people. Maybe amidst the body count, He won't



Oh, that's being realistic.

Bartleby reaches out and grabs Loki, slamming him against the wall.


I'm going home, Loki. And nobody - not even the

Almighty Himself - is going to make that


Bartleby releases Loki and smiles. He exits. Loki watches him.



He follows.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

on Sunday the ninteenth of October i posted the following message(i know you could just scroll down and look but im a nice guy and ill save you some time)

"ummm why am i alone i look around at all these people that i am suprised can dress them selves in the morning and they have some one to be with and talk to and just i really that bad of a person?"

today i got a response that is just so amazing i can hardly belive it....and here it is

" hey doll... i saw this the first time i talked to you online.. that was a bit ago... and i think about it every time we hold hands, kiss... talk... and cuddle.. every time i am close to you i am happy.. you make me very happy.. and i hope you are happy when you are with me..... i told you the first time we were laying on your couch "you're not a bad person" but you didn't get it... i hope i have taken away your feeling of rejection"

i dont even know what to say for now ill post more later maybe soon.